Poster Submission

EC'15 will feature a poster session that includes papers published elsewhere relevant to the EC community and work in progress. We welcome posters on any EC topic.

Submissions should be made at:
by May 15, 2015. Poster submissions should include:

1-2 paragraph abstract
Authors, listing the presenter as contact author.

The presenter must register for EC’15.
At most one poster per registered participant is allowed.

The abstract can be based on work published elsewhere or on unpublished work. For published papers, please link to the original publication and mention the venue in which the paper was published or accepted, and the date of publication/acceptance. For unpublished papers, please link to the web page of the paper, or upload a pdf of the paper.  Posters are non-archival: they will not appear in the EC proceedings, and so you are free to submit already-published work.

Poster submissions will be lightly reviewed for fit to the conference and novelty to the audience. If the number of poster submissions exceeds capacity, priority will be given to students and postdocs, and beyond this, will be based on relevance and the date of submission. Poster slots will be confirmed by May 20, 2015. If any slots remain, submissions received after the deadline may be considered at the discretion of the organizers.