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Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library
Keynote talks
Cascading behavior in social and economic networks
Jon Kleinberg
Kidney exchange: where we've been and where we can go from here
Alvin E. Roth
Technical presentations
Peaches, lemons, and cookies: designing auction markets with dispersed information
Ittai Abraham
Susan Athey
Moshe Babaioff
Michael Grubb
Differential pricing with inequity aversion in social networks
Noga Alon
Yishay Mansour
Moshe Tenneholtz
Kidney exchange in dynamic sparse heterogenous pools
Itai Ashlagi
Patrick Jaillet
Vahideh H. Manshadi
Unbalanced random matching markets
Itai Ashlagi
Yashodhan Kanoria
Jacob Leshno
Super-efficient rational proofs
Pablo Daniel Azar
Silvio Micali
Existence of stable matchings in large markets with complementarities
Eduardo M. Azevedo
John W. Hatfield
Bertrand networks
Moshe Babaioff
Brendan Lucier
Noam Nisan
Multi-parameter mechanisms with implicit payment computation
Moshe Babaioff
Robert Kleinberg
Aleksandrs Slivkins
Auctions for online display advertising exchanges: approximations and design
Santiago R. Balseiro
Omar Besbes
Gabriel Y. Weintraub
The empirical implications of rank in Bimatrix games
Siddharth Barman
Umang Bhaskar
Federico Echenique
Adam Wierman
Optimal auctions via the multiplicative weight method
Anand Bhalgat
Sreenivas Gollapudi
Kamesh Munagala
Near-optimal multi-unit auctions with ordered bidders
Sayan Bhattacharya
Elias Koutsoupias
Janardhan Kulkarni
Stefano Leonardi
Tim Roughgarden
Xiaoming Xu
A markov chain approximation to choice modeling
Jose Blanchet
Guillermo Gallego
Vineet Goyal
Optimizing password composition policies
Jeremiah Blocki
Saranga Komanduri
Ariel Procaccia
Or Sheffet
Harnessing the power of two crossmatches
Avrim Blum
Anupam Gupta
Ariel Procaccia
Ankit Sharma
Primary-market auctions for event tickets: eliminating the rents of "Bob the broker"
Aditya Bhave
Eric Budish
When do noisy votes reveal the truth?
Ioannis Caragiannis
Ariel D. Procaccia
Nisarg Shah
Robust incentives for information acquisition
Gabriel Carroll
Budget smoothing for internet ad auctions: a game theoretic approach
Denis Charles
Deeparnab Chakrabarty
Max Chickering
Nikhil R. Devanur
Lei Wang
Auctions with unique equilibria
Shuchi Chawla
Jason D. Hartline
Sybil-proof mechanisms in query incentive networks
Wei Chen
Yajun Wang
Dongxiao Yu
Li Zhang
Truthful mechanisms for agents that value privacy
Yiling Chen
Stephen Chong
Ian A. Kash
Tal Moran
Salil Vadhan
On discrete preferences and coordination
Flavio Chierichetti
Jon Kleinberg
Sigal Oren
Mechanism design for fair division: allocating divisible items without payments
Richard Cole
Vasilis Gkatzelis
Gagan Goel
Mechanism design via optimal transport
Constantinos Daskalakis
Alan Deckelbaum
Christos Tzamos
Prior-free auctions for budgeted agents
Nikhil R. Devanur
Bach Q. Ha
Jason D. Hartline
Whole-page optimization and submodular welfare maximization with online bidders
Nikhil R. Devanur
Zhiyi Huang
Nitish Korula
Vahab S. Mirrokni
Qiqi Yan
Failure-aware kidney exchange
John P. Dickerson
Ariel D. Procaccia
Tuomas Sandholm
A combinatorial prediction market for the U.S. elections
Miroslav Dudik
Sebastien Lahaie
David M. Pennock
David Rothschild
Incentives, gamification, and game theory: an economic approach to badge design
David Easley
Arpita Ghosh
A network approach to public goods
Matthew Elliott
Benjamin Golub
Best-response dynamics out of sync: complexity and characterization
Roee Engelberg
Alex Fabrikant
Michael Schapira
David Wajc
Learning equilibria of games via payoff queries
John Fearnley
Martin Gairing
Paul Goldberg
Rahul Savani
Competition among asymmetric sellers with fixed supply
Uriel Feige
Ron Lavi
Moshe Tennenholtz
Pricing public goods for private sale
Michal Feldman
David Kempe
Brendan Lucier
Renato Paes Leme
Strategyproof facility location for concave cost functions
Dimitris Fotakis
Christos Tzamos
Cost-recovering bayesian algorithmic mechanism design
Hu Fu
Brendan Lucier
Balasubramanian Sivan
Vasilis Syrgkanis
Prior-independent auctions for risk-averse agents
Hu Fu
Jason Hartline
Darrell Hoy
What you jointly know determines how you act: strategic interactions in prediction markets
Xi Alice Gao
Jie Zhang
Yiling Chen
Complex contagion and the weakness of long ties in social networks: revisited
Golnaz Ghasemiesfeh
Roozbeh Ebrahimi
Jie Gao
Incentivizing participation in online forums for education
Arpita Ghosh
Jon Kleinberg
Privacy and coordination: computing on databases with endogenous participation
Arpita Ghosh
Katrina Ligett
Real-time optimization of personalized assortments
Negin Golrezaei
Hamid Nazerzadeh
Paat Rusmevichientong
Potential games are necessary to ensure pure nash equilibria in cost sharing games
Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan
Jason R. Marden
Adam Wierman
The menu-size complexity of auctions
Sergiu Hart
Noam Nisan
Truthfulness and stochastic dominance with monetary transfers
Martin Hoefer
Thomas Kesselheim
Berthold Vöcking
A dynamic axiomatic approach to first-price auctions
Darrell Hoy
Kamal Jain
Christopher A. Wilkens
Selection and influence in cultural dynamics
David Kempe
Jon Kleinberg
Sigal Oren
Aleksandrs Slivkins
Measuring the performance of large-scale combinatorial auctions: a structural estimation approach
Sang Won Kim
Marcelo Olivares
Gabriel Weintraub
On the ratio of revenue to welfare in single-parameter mechanism design
Robert Kleinberg
Yang Yuan
Designing for diversity in matching: extended abstract
Scott Duke Kominers
Tayfun Sönmez
Implementing the "Wisdom of the Crowd"
Ilan Kremer
Yishay Mansour
Motty Perry
Improved bounds on the price of stability in network cost sharing games
Euiwoong Lee
Katrina Ligett
Pick your poison: pricing and inventories at unlicensed online pharmacies
Nektarios Leontiadis
Tyler Moore
Nicolas Christin
Down-to-the-minute effects of super bowl advertising on online search behavior
Randall A. Lewis
David H. Reiley
An axiomatic characterization of adaptive-liquidity market makers
Xiaolong Li
Jennifer Wortman Vaughan
Approximation in mechanism design with interdependent values
Yunan Li
Social learning and aggregate network uncertainty
Ilan Lobel
Evan Sadler
Accounting for price dependencies in simultaneous sealed-bid auctions
Brandon A. Mayer
Eric Sodomka
Amy Greenwald
Michael Wellman
Loss calibrated methods for bipartite rationing: bipartite rationing
Herve Moulin
Jay Sethuraman
Risk sensitivity of price of anarchy under uncertainty
Georgios Piliouras
Evdokia Nikolova
Jeff S. Shamma
Two-sided matching with partial information
Baharak Rastegari
Anne Condon
Nicole Immorlica
Kevin Leyton-Brown
Ranking and tradeoffs in sponsored search auctions
Bem Roberts
Dinan Gunawardena
Ian A. Kash
Peter Key
Optimal and near-optimal mechanism design with interdependent values
Tim Roughgarden
Inbal Talgam-Cohen
Cost function market makers for measurable spaces
Yiling Chen
Mike Ruberry
Jenn Wortman Vaughan
House allocation with indifferences: a generalization and a unified view
Daniela Saban
Jay Sethuraman
Selection effects in online sharing: consequences for peer adoption
Sean J. Taylor
Eytan Bakshy
Sinan Aral
Revenue optimization in the generalized second-price auction
David R.M. Thompson
Kevin Leyton-Brown
Sincere and sophisticated players in the envy-free allocation problem
Rodrigo A. Velez
Latency arbitrage, market fragmentation, and efficiency: a two-market model
Elaine Wah
Michael P. Wellman
Strategyproof facility location and the least squares objective
Michal Feldman
Yoav Wilf
Empirical agent based models of cooperation in public goods games
Michael Wunder
Siddharth Suri
Duncan J. Watts