Since 1999 the ACM Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce (SIGECOM) has sponsored the leading scientific conference on advances in theory, systems, and applications for electronic commerce. The Tenth ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'09) will feature invited speakers, paper presentations, workshops, and tutorials covering all areas of electronic commerce. The natural focus of the conference is on computer science issues, but the conference is interdisciplinary in nature.
The conference will be held from Monday July 6 through Friday July 10 in the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center at Stanford University, Stanford, Calfornia. Tutorials and workshops will be held on Monday July 6th and Tuesday July 7th, 2009. Accepted technical papers and invited talks will be presented from Wednesday July 8th through Friday July 10th, 2009. This conference is co-located with the TARK XII conference (Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge) at Stanford on July 6-8,
Invited Speakers
Susan Athey (
Michael Moritz (
Convergence of Nash Dynamics: Equilibria and Nearly-Optimal Solutions
A Computational Perspective on Game-Theoretic Solution Concepts
Information Exchange, Bidding Languages and Competition in Sponsored Search
Mechanism Design in Dynamic Settings
Co-Located Workshops
5th Workshop on Ad Auctions Workshop (
NetEcon'09: Workshop on The Economics of Networks, Systems, and Computation (
4/23/09 Conference Registration Begins
1/21/09 Electronic submissions for papers
12/10/08 Call For Papers announced