Editor's Note: Welcome to Issue 3.3
Our first paper in this issue describes an extension to IBM's Web Services Endpoint Language that enables service providers and subscribers to communicate about constraints on assignments. In particular, the extensions to WSEL enable users to specify conflicts of interest, separation of duties, and security risks factors that may constraint the assignment of tasks.
The second paper is focused on the challenging problems associated with architecting large-scale web projects. The authors promote the use of design patterns for E-commerce projects. The paper presents several patterns for composite services, including service wrappers, service discovery, and service negotiation.
The third paper in this issue discusses some issues in digital rights management, particularly as it applies to online music. The authors present a hybrid DRM system that allows both tethered and untethered access to music.
The subject of the fourth paper is the incompatible communication protocols used by the various peer-to-peer file sharing systems. The authors propose a framework that enables the major P2P systems to interoperate using a P2P gateway.
Peter Wurman, Editor-in-Chief