This is my first issue as the new Editor-in-Chief, so I would like to take the opportunity to describe my role with SIGecom Exchanges. For authors, I am the contact person for submissions. As you can see from the periodic call for papers, SIGecom Exchanges accepts submissions on a wide variety of e-commerce related research topics. Submissions may be technical results, work-in-progress reports, position papers, survey articles, articles on research groups, conference and workshop summaries, and book reviews. Especially encouraged are reports on work that is not fully developed for journal or conference publication, yet demonstrates interesting new ideas for significant problems. In addition to organizing the regular issues, I will occasionally have special issues on particular topics, sometimes with guest editors.
In the current issue we have four interesting papers. The first paper, titled "Yootopia!" describes a currency called "Yootles", designed to underly group decision and prediction mechanisms. The paper describes new and existing mechanisms as well as an interface for wagers.
The second paper addresses a sub-problem of the Trading Agent Competition travel game. The paper presents Bayes-Nash equilibria for mth price auctions with multiple random closing times.
The third paper, titled "Relaxed-criteria G-negotiation for grid resource co-allocation" is a position paper that proposes a mechanism and testbed for for resource allocation in Grid systems. The paper discusses experimental designs for evaluating the mechanism as well as previous results of experiments.
The fourth paper addresses the question "What keeps online customers repurchasing through the Internet?". The paper formally analyzes a large number of Japanese online customers, and identifies various factors that keep customers repurchasing.
William E. Walsh