Accepted Posters:
Buying Labels for Learning, Jacob Abernethy, Yiling Chen, Chien-Ju Ho and Bo Waggoner
On the Incompatibility of Efficiency and Strategyproofness in Randomized Social Choice, Haris Aziz, Florian Brandl and Felix Brandt
Assortative network formation, Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen
Signal Structure and Strategic Information Acquisition: Deliberative Auctions with Interdependent Values, Erik Brinkman, Michael Wellman and Scott Page
Mechanism Design for Scheduling with Uncertain Execution Time, Vincent Conitzer and Angelina Vidali
FutureMatch: Learning to Match in Dynamic Environment, John Dickerson and Tuomas Sandholm
Eliciting Truthful Information with the Peer Truth Serum, Boi Faltings, Radu Jurca and Goran Radanovic
On the Axiomatic Characterization of Runoff Voting Rules, Rupert Freeman, Markus Brill and Vincent Conitzer
Properties in Elicitation, Rafael Frongillo and Ian Kash
Mechanism Design for Mobile Geo–Location Advertising, Nicola Gatti, Marco Rocco, Sofia Ceppi and Enrico Gerding
Multi-stage LQG Games and Incentive Design Problems with Asymmetric Information, Abhishek Gupta, Ashutosh Nayyar, Cedric Langbort and Tamer Basar
Ordering Effects and Belief Adjustment in the Use of Comparison Shopping Agents, Chen Hajaj, Noam Hazon and David Sarne
Algorithm Instance Games, Samuel Johnson and Tsai-Ching Lu
Efficient Allocation via Sequential Scrip Auctions, Gil Kalai, Reshef Meir and Moshe Tennenholtz
Generalizing Deferred Acceptance Auctions to Allow Multiple Relinquishment Options, Eiichiro Kazumori
Randomized Revenue Monotone Mechanisms for Online Advertising, Mohammad Khani, Gagan Goel and Hamid Mahini
Complexity of Stability-based Solution Concepts in Multi-issue and MC-net Cooperative Games,Yuqian Li and Vincent Conitzer
Dynamic Segmentation for Large-Scale Marketing Optimization, Tyler Lu and Craig Boutilier
Common Information Sources in Exchanges, Ollar Mariann and Marzena Rostek
What the Market Believes, Fililppo Massari
Comparing the Predictive Power of Utility Based Models and Machine Learning Methods in Choice Under Uncertainty, Jeffrey Naecker and Alexander Peysakhovich
Importance of Recent Success and Initial Overconfidence: Factors of Crowdfunders' Limited Learning, Chankyung Pak and Rick Wash
Beat the Cheater: Computing Game-Theoretic Strategies for When to Kick a Gambler out of a Casinos, Troels Soerensen, Melissa Dalis, Joshua Letchford, Dmytro Korzhyk and Vincent Conitzer
TacTex'13: A Champion Adaptive Power Trading Agent, Daniel Urieli and Peter Stone
Welfare Effects of Market Making in Continuous Double Auctions (Preliminary Report), Elaine Wah and Michael Wellman