Online registration for the EC 2016 conference is now open. Note that EC 2016 registration gives full access to GAMES 2016 as well even if you are giving a talk there too (though to give a talk at GAMES you need GTS membership, the cost of which will be subtracted from your EC registration fee). The fees are set up in such a way that there is no financial disadvantage to registering for one conference or the other, so everyone can register for the conference corresponding to their primary community.

Click here and click on the EC 2016 logo to register.

Please read the information below before registering.

The form includes an option to book a hotel.

For questions about the registration form or to request other information, please contact the Conference Secretariat at: or for questions that the secretariat cannot handle, the EC 2016 general chair.

  Early* (Before or on May 30) Late* (May 31 or later)



*You will receive a discount of EUR 40 if you have GTS membership if you register for EC.

EUR 430
(includes SIGecom membership valued at $10)

EUR 530
(includes SIGecom membership valued at $10)


*You will receive a discount of EUR 24 if you have GTS membership if you register for EC.
EUR 219
(includes SIGecom membership valued at $10)

EUR 269
(includes SIGecom membership valued at $10)



  • Spouse package (includes: welcome reception GAMES & EC, plenary sessions GAMES, conference dinner GAMES and free public transportation within the city of Maastricht): € 85.
  • Full registration includes the following:

    • Conference participation
    • Coffee breaks
    • Lunches
    • Welcome reception
    • Conference dinner
    • Free public transportation within the city of Maastricht

    Note: workshop and tutorial registration is not yet open, because the workshop and tutorial program are not yet finalized. However, this year these will be free for those registering for the conference. Still, you will need to sign up for any workshops and tutorials you wish to attend. Please do so here.


    Tutorial and workshop attendance is free this year for people registered for the main conference. Still, it will be useful for us to have a sense of who is planning to attend which tutorials and workshops; this will also allow us to send e-mail messages with updates on specific workshops and tutorials (if any). After registering for the main conference, please indicate which tutorials and workshops you are planning to attend here.