Algorithmic mechanism design
Auction and negotiation technology
Automated shopping, trading, and contract management
Computational finance
Computational game theory and economics
Computational markets for information services
Databases and online transaction processing
Experience with fielded electronic-commerce systems
Formation of supply chains, coalitions, and virtual enterprises
Information markets
Intellectual property and digital rights management
Languages for describing goods, services, and contracts
Legal, political, and social issues
Marketing and advertising technology
Payment and exchange protocols
Recommendation, reputation, and trust systems
Security and privacy issues in electronic commerce
Software and systems requirements, architectures, and performance
User-interface issues in electronic commerce
This list is meant to be representative but not exhaustive.
The conference will be held from Sunday June 5th through Wednesday June 8th 2005 in beautiful Vancouver, Canada at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle.
Tutorials and workshops will be held on Sunday, June 5th. Papers and invited talks will be presented beginning on the morning of Monday, June 6th and running through noon on Wednesday, June 8th. More detailed program and schedule information will be released as it develops.
The conference is soliciting full papers (as well as workshop and tutorial proposals; see below) on all aspects of electronic commerce. Submitted papers will be evaluated on significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. They should clearly establish the research contribution, its relevance to electronic commerce, and its relation to prior research.
All accepted papers will be provided an oral presentation at the conference. Depending on the number and nature of accepted papers, there may be variation in the lengths of the oral presentations. In addition, there will be a poster session at which all accepted papers will be represented.
All accepted papers will be allotted 10 pages in the published conference proceedings. Submissions may be up to 10 pages, not including bibliography and appendices, in 10-point font with reasonable margins and interline spacing. Any appropriate format, including single-column, may be used as long as the length restriction is followed. However, if the submission is accepted, it will need to be migrated into the publisher's format/macros for the proceedings. Submissions must not have appeared before (or be pending to appear) in a journal or conference with published proceedings, nor may they be under review or submitted to another forum during the EC'05 review process. See the Formatting link for the detailed instructions from the publisher.
Electronic submission in PDF or postscript format is required. We are using the electronic submission system of Microsoft Research. The submission site is:
As at past EC conferences, there will be a day of tutorial presentations. In addition, this year we also solicit proposals for workshops. Both workshops and tutorials will be half-day. Tutorial proposals should contain the title of the tutorial, a two-page description of the topic matter, and the names and short biographies of the speakers. Workshop proposals should contain the title of the workshop, the names and short biographies of the organizers, and the names of confirmed or candidate participants. Workshop proposals should also include a two-page description describing the theme, the reviewing process for participants, the organization of the workshop, and required facilities for the workshop.
December 07, 2004: |
Electronic paper submissions due |
January 07, 2005: |
Tutorial & workshop submissions due |
February 18, 2005: |
Paper accept/reject notifications |
February 21, 2005: |
Tutorial & workshop accept/reject notifications |
March 01, 2005: |
Paper electronic camera-ready copy due |
Before May 16, 2005: |
Early registration |
On & after May 17, 2005: |
Normal registration |
General inquiries and requests pertaining to the conference should be sent to:
Inquiries and requests pertaining specifically to the program, and in particular to paper submission and decision status, should be sent to:
Inquiries and requests pertaining specifically to workshop and tutorials should be sent to: