ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'05)


The Papers Chairs will review papers in any reasonable format that respects the spirit of the 10 page and 10 point restrictions. Accepted papers will have to be formatted as described here for publication.

These instructions apply directly to full paper submissions. Workshop and Tutorial proposals should follow similar formatting, but are not required to include the categories, subject descriptors, or ACM copyright fields.

Thank-you for your submission to the EC'05 Conference. This web page explains the format of submissions. The same format will be used for camera-ready copy, so following these instructions will make the process easy if your paper is accepted for publication. The Program Chairs reserve the right to reject without review submissions that do not conform to the ACM standards, specifications, and formats. Please contact them at if you have questions.

Submission Deadlines and Preparation of Copy

There is a 10 Page Limit on full paper submissions.

Mandatory Sections

The following sections in all of the ACM templates are mandatory sections:

Categories & Subject Descriptors (the address for the ACM Computing Classification Scheme is:

General Terms: This section is limited to the following 16 terms:
Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Documentation, Performance, Design, Economics, Reliability, Experimentation, Security, Human Factors, Standardization, Languages, Theory, Legal Aspects, Verification.

Keywords: This section is your choice of terms you would like to be indexed by.

Title of Your Submission Should be Initial Caps -- meaning first letter of main words should be made a capital letter.

ACM provides design templates for Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and FrameMaker. If you prepare your submission with another program, please format your paper according to one of the above three templates.


1. Please download the template from the ACM website:

2. Format your document for American Letter paper (8-1/2x11).

3. Leave room for the ACM copyright statement. You can see an example of what this statement will look like in file EC-blurb.doc.


1. Please use option #2 of the ACM LaTeX2e styles (

(This style should fit more content into the same number of space, and will also automatically insert the ACM copyright statement). Insert the following three lines in your .tex document after \begin{document} to produce the correct copyright statement and info:

\conferenceinfo{EC'05,} {June 5--8, 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.}

2. Please use Type 1 fonts for your .ps file. (See: for help.) If you still have difficulty check with your system administrator.

3. Format your document for American Letter paper (8-1/2x11).


1. Please make the .fm file match the specifications outlined in the WORD template, available at:

2. Format your document for American Letter paper (8-1/2x11).

3. Leave room for the ACM copyright statement. You can see an example of what this statement will look like in file EC-blurb.doc.
Copyright © 2004-2005, ACM Special Interest Group on E-Commerce (SIGecom)
For any questions or comments about the site, please contact Nishikant Kapoor at