EC Best Paper Awards
A Best Paper award and a Best Paper with Student Lead Author award are awarded annually at the ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. The ACM EC conference also awards "Exemplary Paper in Track" awards to celebrate the diversity and interdisciplinarity of the field. More details…
EC Best Paper Award Winners
- 2020
- Best Paper Feasible Joint Posterior Beliefs
- Itai Arieli, Yakov Babichenko, Fedor Sandomirskiy, and Omer Tamuz
- Best Paper with a Student Lead Author and Exemplary Theory Track Paper EFX Exists for Three Agents
- Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, and Kurt Mehlhorn
- Exemplary Applied Modeling Track Paper Pricing for the Stars: Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Rating Systems
- Andre Stenzel, Christoph Wolf, and Peter Schmidt
- Exemplary Empirics Track Paper Does Quality Improve with Customer Voice? Evidence from the Hotel Industry
- Uttara Ananthakrishnan, Davide Proserpio, and Siddartha Sharma
- Exemplary AI and Computation Track Paper Incentive Auction Design Alternatives: A Simulation Study
- Neil Newman, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Paul Milgrom, and Ilya Segal
- Best Paper Feasible Joint Posterior Beliefs
- 2019
- Best Paper and Exemplary Theory Track Paper Obvious Dominance and Random Priority
- Peter Troyan and Marek Pycia
- Best Full Paper Prophet Inequalities for i.i.d. Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution
- Jose Correa, Paul Duetting, Felix Fischer, and Kevin Schewior
- Best Paper with a Student Lead Author Combinatorial Auctions with Interdependent Valuations: SOS to the Rescue
- Alon Eden, Michal Feldman, Amos Fiat, Kira Goldner, and Anna Karlin
- Exemplary AI Track Paper Estimating Approximate Incentive Compatibility
- Maria-Florina Balcan, Tuomas Sandholm, and Ellen Vitercik
- Exemplary Applied Modeling Track Paper Equilibrium Effects of Pay Transparency in a Simple Labor Market
- Zoe Cullen and Bobak Pakzad-Hurson
- Exemplary Empirics Track Paper Observational Data for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with Application to Recommender Systems
- Akos Lada, Alexander Peysakhovich, Diego Aparicio, and Michael Bailey
- Best Paper and Exemplary Theory Track Paper Obvious Dominance and Random Priority
- 2018
- Best Paper Credible Mechanisms
- Mohammad Akbarpour and Shengwu Li
- Best Full Paper and Best Paper with a Student Lead Author Selling to a No-Regret Buyer
- Mark Braverman, Jieming Mao, Jon Schneider, and S. Matthew Weinberg
- Best Paper Credible Mechanisms
- 2017
- Best Paper Combinatorial Cost Sharing
- Shahar Dobzinski and Shahar Ovadia
- Best Paper Combinatorial Cost Sharing
- 2016
- Best Paper Which Is the Fairest (Rent Division) of Them All?
- Ya'akov (Kobi) Gal, Moshe Mash, Ariel D. Procaccia and Yair Zick
- Best Paper with a Student Lead Author Deferred Acceptance with Compensation Chains
- Piotr Dworczak
- Best Paper Which Is the Fairest (Rent Division) of Them All?
- 2015
- Best Paper Econometrics for Learning Agents
- Denis Nekipelov, Vasilis Syrgkanis, and Eva Tardos
- Best Student Paper Why Prices Need Algorithms
- Tim Roughgarden and Inbal Talgam-Cohen
- Best Paper Econometrics for Learning Agents
- 2014
- Best Paper Incentivizing Exploration
- Peter Frazier, David Kempe, Jon Kleinberg, and Robert Kleinberg
- Best Student Paper Fair Enough: Guaranteeing Approximate Maximin Shares
- Ariel Procaccia and Junxing Wang
- Best Paper Incentivizing Exploration
- 2013
- Best Paper and Best Student Paper Mechanism Design via Optimal Transport
- Constantinos Daskalakis, Alan Deckelbaum, and Christos Tzamos
- Best Paper and Best Student Paper Mechanism Design via Optimal Transport
- 2012
- Best Paper Payment Rules through Discriminant-Based Classifiers
- Paul Dütting, Felix Fischer, Pichayut Jirapinyo, John K. Lai, Benjamin Lubin, and David C. Parkes
- Best Paper Improving the Effectiveness of Time-Based Display Advertising
- Daniel G. Goldstein, R. Preston McAfee, and Siddharth Suri
- Best Student Paper Symmetries and Optimal Multi-Dimensional Mechanism Design
- Constantinos Daskalakis and S. Matthew Weinberg
- Best Paper Payment Rules through Discriminant-Based Classifiers
- 2011
- Best Student Paper A Truthful Randomized Mechanism for Combinatorial Public Projects via Convex Optimization
- Shaddin Dughmi
- Best Student Paper Polynomial-Time Computation of Exact Correlated Equilibrium in Compact Games
- Albert Xin Jiang and Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Best Student Paper A Truthful Randomized Mechanism for Combinatorial Public Projects via Convex Optimization
- 2010
- Best Paper Truthful Mechanisms with Implicit Payment Computation
- Moshe Babaioff, Robert Kleinberg, and Aleksandrs Slivkins
- Best Paper Truthful Mechanisms with Implicit Payment Computation
- 2009
- Best Paper An Optimal Lower Bound for Anonymous Scheduling Mechanisms
- Itai Ashlagi, Shahar Dobzinski, and Ron Lavi
- Best Paper and Best Student Paper Eliciting Truthful Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions
- Nicolas Lambert and Yoav Shoham
- Best Paper An Optimal Lower Bound for Anonymous Scheduling Mechanisms
- 2008
- Best Paper Uncoordinated Two-Sided Markets
- Heiner Ackermann, Paul Goldberg, Vahab Mirrokni, Heiko Röglin, and Berthold Vöcking
- Best Paper Self-Financed Wagering Mechanisms for Forecasting
- Nicolas Lambert, John Langford, Jennifer Wortman, Yiling Chen, Daniel Reeves, Yoav Shoham, and David Pennock
- Best Paper Uncoordinated Two-Sided Markets
- 2007
- Best Paper Strong Equilibrium in Cost-Sharing Connection Games
- Amir Epstein, Michal Feldman, and Yishay Mansour
- Best Paper Strong Equilibrium in Cost-Sharing Connection Games
- 2006
- Best Paper Computing Pure Nash Equilibria via Markov Random Fields
- Constantinos Daskalakis and Christos Papadimitriou
- Best Paper Computing Pure Nash Equilibria via Markov Random Fields
- 2004
- Best Student Paper Mechanism Design for Online Real-Time Scheduling
- Ryan Porter
- Best Student Paper Mechanism Design for Online Real-Time Scheduling
- 2003
- Best Student Paper On the Core of the Multicommodity Flow Game
- Vangelis Markakis and Amin Saberi
- Best Student Paper On the Core of the Multicommodity Flow Game